Professional support to calmly complete your tax return ahead of schedule

Do you hide your head in the sand when it comes to business accounts?

Is this your first year in business and the thought of completing a tax return fills you with dread?

Do you stay up till midnight the last week in January to make the deadline?

It doesn’t have to be like this

Suppose someone told you exactly what you needed to do, with baby sized steps, actionable exercises and hand-holding along the way? Get professional help and a community all working together to complete their tax returns.

The tax year hasn’t long ended so you will be well ahead of the pack, completing yours now. This will give you time to prepare if you are going to have a large tax bill.

Join now, have a plan. Do it all little by little and have the satisfaction of completing the job. The lessons are ready and we are waiting to support you on this journey.

“For someone who has never done a tax return before the guidance and support has been brilliant! I ‘m not avoiding doing it anymore and I don’t feel half as terrified as I did. And to top it off, I actually feel organised! It’s definitely been the kick up the bum I needed” Asche Savidge

Here is how it will work

When you join you will have immediate access to the course content. There are six lessons, this will give you the information you need. Tell you what you have to gather and where you need to put it.

The course covers the self-employment part of your tax return, so if you have other sections to complete this is not covered.

We will provide you with the information, the spreadsheets and support.

There will be a Facebook group for everyone on the challenge where you can ask for help if you are struggling, or celebrate your wins every time you complete a step. Week by week you will do a little bit more towards your goal of having your tax return completed.

We have Ashley, our accountant on hand who will answer questions and keep you on track. Being in the Facebook group will keep you motivated and give you the support of knowing there are others doing the same. At the end of the challenge, if you have done all your homework, all the information you need will be in front of you and you can complete your tax return in plenty of time.

How much will this little dose of sanity cost you? Just £25. Sign up here to have instant access.

About Ashley

Ashley is a qualified accountant and you can find out about her practice here.

She has over 10 years experience in helping businesses with their finances, financial records and tax. She can offer a full consultancy service & individual tax advice so contact her if you would like this instead or as well as the tax return support offered here.

During this challenge Ashley will offer spreadsheets for your financial information, and answer questions.

We run this course over at our sister site Scottish Business Mums and the conversation takes place in a dedicated Facebook group.  Don’t worry if your not a mum or even a woman.  If the course is helpful to you you are very welcome.

Sign up here.